Training and Activities

IACS oversees a number of courses and training activities. Find out more about the standardised trainings below.

As courses managed by IACS progress, it is always a key focus to deliver three things; (1) proper curricular development to ensure that the courses deliver the appropriate level of skills and knowledge and competences to participants, (2) ensure that EASF staff and rostered personnel are trained and able to deliver in accordance with the mandate and political ambitions of the member states, and (3) to identify, train and certify regional capacities for future delivery of all courses.

Force Headquarters Course (FHQC)

The FHQC prepares participants for participation in a military component planning cell and for taking up positions in the EASF force headquarter during missions and operations. It familiarizes participants with the EASF six stage tactical estimate process and provides participants with tools to conduct operational and tactical planning for a brigade size component in an integrated mission setting.

The primary audience for the EASF force headquarters course is pledged, designated or rostered personnel for the EASF military component headquarter, EASF pledged unit commanders and military planners in the EASF mission headquarter.

Integrated Mission Planning Course (IMPC)

The IMPC prepares participants for participation in an EASF joint planning group (JPG) or an integrated mission planning team (IMPT) and for taking up positions in the integrated mission headquarter during operations. It familiarizes participants with the EASF Integrated Mission Planning Process (IMPP) and provides participants with tools to conduct planning at the mission level, where military, civilian, police and mission support components are integrated in a single mission plan.

The primary audience for the EASF Integrated Mission Planning course is pledged, designated or rostered personnel for the EASF mission headquarter staff.

African Integrated Peace Operations Course (AIPC)

AIPC aims to enhance the participants' knowledge and understanding of the integrated approach in peace operations, as well as to enhance collaboration and coordination among the different actors, namely military, civilian and police components, as well as humanitarian and development actors during the xecution of a mission plan.

Participants should be preferably senior level experts, civilian, military or police, who work in areas related to peace operations/crisis management (e.g. in ministries), or work currently in a mission area or be prospective participants in the future operations or missions.